How to Use Ergogenic Creatine

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Ergogenic creatine is a helpful supplement for all weightlifters. But before I outline the proper way to implement it into a daily routine, I should let you know more or less what it is. Ergogenic creatine is a supplement that has a primary function of helping the muscles of the body retain usable water in order to keep them energized throughout a workout. Typically, after a few heavy sets of any exercise, your muscles are tired and demanding time to recuperate. With ergogenic creatine your muscles are able to push past the point of tired and keep lifting heavy weight throughout an entire workout.

Step 2

There are two ways to go about taking creatine: powder and capsules. The routine differs in both cases, and both methods give different people different results. Below, I'll outline the way to take each type of ergogenic creatine, and the way that that supplement reacts with the body.

Step 3

The most popular way to incorporate ergogenic creatine into a daily routine is through powder. Powdered creatine is concocted and quaffed through mixing with water into a water bottle. You should take powdered creatine about 30 minutes before your workout. With powdered creatine, you will experience an increase is strength and endurance. Furthermore, powdered creatine generally comes added with elements that amp you up before a workout. This kind of creatine is the most popular because you only take it once per day, and it will consistently give you the results you need.

Step 4

The other way to take creatine is in the form of capsules. Capsules are intended to be taken both 30 minutes before a workout and immediately after a workout. Capsules will increase your strength and endurance, but they are less likely to give you an added energy boost when you enter the gym. Because they have to be taken twice, and because they don't act as a sort of preworkout, ergogenic creatine capsules are the less popular method of taking creatine.

Step 5

Below, I've provided the two types of creatine that I have personally taken. There are multiple different brands of creatine, all offering slightly different mixtures. It takes some personal experimenting in order to find the perfect method and brand of creatine for each individual person. The two that I've listed below, however, have always proven the best choices for myself personally. The differences between brands of ergogenic creatine are so slight that the only way to determine which are correct for you is to try as many as is necessary- one at a time, of course.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

The most difficult part about taking ergogenic creatine is finding the right method for you. For some people, capsules provide an insane amount of extra strength and help promote a lot of size. For others, the powder works flawlessly as an amp-up for every workout and a strength gainer with dependability. Sample between the two methods until you figure out what feels most right.

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I have tried both capsule and powder ergogenic creatine. At one point, when I was drinking the powder version, I found that I would be hyped up for hours after my workouts. Because I was working out at around 10p.m. every night, the extra hype was unnecessary and actually became a hindrance to my sleep schedule. Yet, since I knew not about the capsule version, I continued to take powdered ergogenic creatine for months on end. The results in the gym were fantastic, but as soon as I discovered capsuled creatine I made the switch and never looked back. Like I said: it's a matter of what method works best for you as an individual.

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I first started taking ergogenic creatine when I was a freshman in college. I remember the very first day I used it: my bench went up by 20lbs. and I could maintain intensity for many, many sets past my usual rate. It was absolutely phenomenal, although the powder did keep me up for a long time after my workouts were over. For me, the capsules delivered the same drastic strength gain and increase in endurance, yet they managed to wear down by the time I was ready for sleep, which was essential for me as I tried to build muscle. Look below at the different kinds of ergogenic creatine that I've listed, and once you've found the right one for you, never let that beautiful supplement go. Swallow down or drink up, and as always, happy lifting

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