How to Run Basketball Shooting Drills

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

The Nike and Spalding basketballs are the two balls that I enjoy training with the most. The grip of the leather and soft touch off the rim set them apart from other basketballs.

Step 2

There are so many different shooting drills that I could share with you, but in order to appeal to people in a variety of different circumstances I will prescribe one drill that can done on your own, a drill that can be done with two friends, and a final drill that can be done if you have a rebounder.

Step 3

First, a drill that you can do on your own. Start in the corner of the court and shoot a three point shot; make or miss grab your rebound and return to the same spot where you shot the three. This time instead of shooting another three, pump fake and take one dribble and shoot a jump shot; make or miss grab your rebound and return to the spot where you shot the three. The last step is to take one or two dribbles to drive in and shoot a layup. You are going to repeat this process at five different spots on the floor. Once you have completed all five spots (a total of 15 shots) count up your score (threes are worth 3 points, pull-up jump shots are worth 2 points, and layups are worth 1 point). A perfect score is 30 points, but anything in the 20-27 range is excellent. Challenge yourself to beat your previous score each time you do the drill.

Step 4

Now for a drill that can be done with two friends or teammates. You are going to need two basketball for all three people. Two people start with a basketball in hand and one will shoot a jump shot, immediately after the second person will shoot another jump shot. The first person to shoot will chase after their basketball and will find the third person who does not have a ball. They will deliver a pass to the open player and that player will take a jump shot. Likewise, the second player to shoot will track down their rebound and pass it to the first person. Ultimately, each player will take a jump shot, find their rebound, and pass it to the open player; it becomes a revolving system of jump shots. This is a great drill to practice communication and teamwork. To make the drill more difficult you can set a goal for the trio of players to make 40 jump shots in 2 minutes, or twenty five 3's in two minutes.

Step 5

Lastly, a drill you can do when you have a personal rebounder. This drill can be done anywhere and from any distance on the court. This drill is called the "plus/minus" drill. The shooter should start at half court and run to the three point line while the rebounder passes them the ball. Once they receive the ball they should shoot a jump shot from three. Since we start at 0, if they make the shot their score goes to +1 if they miss they go to -1. Every miss is a negative and each make is a positive. The shooter continues to run to half-court and shoot three's until they reach a score of +10.

Step 6

The keys to shooting are good form (I wrote on this in another tip), hard work, and lots of repetition!

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

You can always make these drills harder or easier depending on the skill level of the participants.

Stuff You'll Need

Suggested Further Reading

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

My ability to shoot the basketball has given me opportunities that I never would have dreamed of. It is one of the most important and coveted skills in the game today!

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I have been running through shooting drills since I was very young and have complied close to 50 different drills that can make you a great shooter. I will share a few of them with you shortly.

Other Tips from Quinn
