How to Work Down The Rack
Step-by-step Instructions
Here is what you need to do...
Step 1
First, you should start with the heaviest weight that you can perform 6-10 reps of with GOOD FORM.
Step 2
Put on your Again Faster hand grips for extra gripping power during your set. this will help you hold onto the weights for the entire drop-set. Without the grips, your forearms will give out early, and you will deprive the main muscle (biceps, chest, back, etc...) from getting fully fatigued.
Step 3
Pick up the weight and start lifting!
Step 4
Once your muscles get fatigued from that weight, you put it down and move to a lighter weight on the rack.
Step 5
Continue switching to lighter and lighter weights, while still performing 6-10 reps with each weight.
Step 6
After you've successfully made your way down the entire weight rack, go ahead and give your muscles a break. You should definitely be feeling a pump by now!
Special Attention
Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.
Even with the Again Faster hand grips, you will feel a forearm pump. Don't give up! Glory is just at the end of the dumbbell rack! :)
Stuff You'll Need
Brand | Product | Price |
Grips | $17.99 |
Suggested Further Reading
Author | Title | Price |
New Rules of Lifting | $12.82 |
This Student Author
This Student Author's Background
Funny or interesting story about this topic...
I always see people trying to make their way down the dumbbell rack for a drop-set, but they can never make it all the way! Why? Their forearms get tired. Here's a set of tips to fix that.
When did you first do this & how did you get started?
I started drop sets for curls, presses, etc.. when I was 15 years old. I learned proper technique through trial and error.