How to Do a Giant Sets Workout

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Let's face it, normal workouts day in and day out can get a little boring. Sometimes you need to really spice things up in the gym. No, i'm not thinking of you inviting your lady friend after hours. I'm thinking bigger. Giant, actually. That's right, giant sets. Giant sets are the number one way to go in, destroy a muscle, and walk out feeling like a freak of nature. They're fun, fast, and your muscles will grow like you'd never believe.

Step 2

In order to do a giant set workout you need to figure out one thing first: which body part are you destroying for the day? In the advice below, I'll outline a giant set routine for your lats. Using the template, you'll be able to plug in any exercises for other body parts and create yourself an entire week-long layout for giant set workouts. Read on at your own risk.

Step 3

So, in layman's terms, a giant set is a big circuit that targets a single body part. You perform one exercise, then immediately move over to the next exercise without any rest. In the case of a giant set there are typically four exercises. After you've completed the circuit of four, you rest for a maximum of 120 seconds and bounce right back to the beginning of the circuit. Three runs through the entire shindig and you're done. Let's look at how to do this for your lats

Step 4

The first exercise of your giant set will be pullups. Hop onto the bar and bang out as many as you can do. Afterwards, walk over to a bench and do bent over dumbbell rows, 10 reps for each arm. Once finished with the second exercise, quickly move to a cable machine and do seated cable rows, 15 reps. Finally, drag your tired back to its final exercise: lat pulldowns. These four exercises work together to stretch, pump, contract, and stretch again the lats. Frankly, any sequence of exercises will do, but these four might give you a better bang for your buck than most others. Now that you've completed one run through, go back and do it a few more times. The workout will take less than 45 minutes in its entirety, and your lats will be hurtin' (in a good way) like you wouldn't believe.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

The difficulty with giant sets is maintaining intensity throughout the workout. Four exercises in a row is difficult for any person- bodybuilder or amateur. Personally, I take preworkout before every giant sets workout. Below I've linked a great preworkout that always keeps my intensity high and my strength higher. Once you're able to hang with the endurance portion of giant sets, you'll reap many benefits.

Stuff You'll Need

Suggested Further Reading

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I occasionally get the chance to work out with my dad when I go back home from school. He's always trying to get me to introduce him to new bodybuilding ideas, which makes sense since the normal routines get boring after a while. One time when I got back, he asked what the latest craze was. "Giant sets," I said. "Oh boy," he goes, "that sounds like something I'm not ready for." But, sure enough, he decided to try a giant sets workout with me. He made it through, and we got out of the gym faster than usual. But the next day he looked at me with wide eyes and told me that for the first time in years his back had actually gotten sore again. That's right, even for your long-term lifters giant sets are a great way to introduce your muscles to some much needed pain (followed by some always appreciated gain). He doesn't do giant sets all the time, but whenever I come back home he tries to get me to do another one of those crazy workouts with him.

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I first started doing giant sets while I was in college. I actually never read about them...I sort of figured that I had come up with them on my own. Turns out it's a real method of training and that it's proven to work wonders. Giant sets are always a fun way for me to mix my workout weeks up and have fun. Not to mention they throw my muscles into a confused state, which always helps me grow. Give the above giant set workout a chance, and afterwards try applying it to other muscle groups. You'll thank me, I promise. In the meantime, happy lifting

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