How to Determine Your Metabolic Rate

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body expends energy while completely at rest in an environment with a comfortable temperature. In essence, figuring out your metabolic rate will tell you the rate at which you burn calories. In layman's terms: it shows you how fast your body deals with the food that you eat. The energy expended in your most natural metabolic rate is only used to power your vital organs, making it the most closely accurate representation of your minimal ability to burn away the calories from food.

Step 2

The best way to calculate the most accurate finding of your metabolic rate is by waiting until your body is post-absorption, which happens about 12 hours after your last meal. You should eat before bed, sleep all night, then wake up and go a few hours before your next meal. Then, grab yourself a Metabolism Tracker from Breezing (which can be bought off of Amazon) and breathe into it. The tracker will use the gases from your body over an interval of time to determine your metabolic rate with an extreme amount of accuracy.

Step 3

Another way to calculate your metabolic rate is by using a BMR calculator online. The online BMR calculators will use basic equations that involve personal information about your height, weight, age, etc. and come up with a reasonably accurate result for your metabolic rate. This result should be taken as more of a ballpark estimate, rather than an exact representation. The only real way to figure out your metabolic rate is through a tracking device, like the one listed above.

Step 4

So let's say that you've found out your metabolic rate and you aren't exactly pleased. Well, raising your metabolic rate is always a good thing. Doing it isn't very difficult, either. Simply increase the amount of intense cardio you do (jump roping or sprinting is good for this), eat anywhere from 5-7 meals a day, and make sure to ingest more protein than any other kind of nutrient. Drink water on a normal basis, and occasionally indulge in some green tea. Altogether, these different factors will add up to an increase in your resting metabolic rate.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

Finding out your metabolic rate can seem tricky, but it really only comes down to getting the right tools for the job. The tracker listed above, as well as the BMR calculators that can be found online, are surefire ways of narrowing down your personal metabolic rate. Just give them a shot, and you'll find that it wasn't as difficult as you might have thought.

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I had a good friend who didn't do a whole lot of weightlifting, but did a ridiculous amount of cardio. He would run, bike, swim, jump rope, row, sprint, you name it. And he did these things constantly. Like every single day constantly. However, for all the cardio he did, he never was able to get down to an extremely thin frame. We both wondered why for a long time, until one day I stumbled upon the idea of a resting metabolic rate. I figured out what it was, what it did, and how to calculate it, and I brought the info to my friend. We calculated is BMR and discovered that it was extremely low, making it so that he was burning calories at a slow, slow rate. Leave it to genetics to stick the cardio-guy with a body that can't get completely skinny.

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I looked into my metabolic rate when I was a younger teenager, and I discovered that mine is pretty damn high. I burn food like nobody's business, which makes it pretty hard for me to put on weight and size. If you're wondering about your body-type, the best place to check is the BMR. So go give it a shot.
Happy lifting,

Other Tips from Jeremy
