Rope Climb
Differentiation: Mechanics
This variation of a Pull-Up is unique. Here is how: you use a free-hanging rope. The rope requires different parts of your lats to activate | to keep your body balanced | and climb up the rope. This exercise increases the overall definition and endurance of your lat muscles.
Location: in gym
Force: Pull
Bench Type: Hanging Rope
Body Position: Hanging
Other Muscles Helped: Biceps, Forearms, Middle Back, Shoulders
Starting Position
To get into starting position, do this...
1) Locate a hanging rope.
2) Stand facing the rope.
3) Grasp the rope with both hands extended above your head.
Main Mechanics
Once in starting position, do this...
1) This is the starting position.
2) Jump upward as you pull on the rope.
3) Wrap the rope around one leg,
4) Pinch the rope between both feet to anchor yourself.
5) Fully extend your arms to reach as high as possible on the rope - then grasp it firmly.
6) Simultaneously release the tension in your feet...
7) you simultaneously use your arms to pull your body upward, and raise your knees upward.
8) Once again, fully extend your arms to reach as high as possible on the rope.
9) Once again, pinch the rope between both feet.
10) Continue these steps until you reach the top of the rope.
11) Return to the starting position by using a hand-over-hand grip on the rope while lowering your body.
Proper Form
Pay special attention to following proper form by...
Be sure to maintain control of the rope the entire way down.
Gear Advice
For your hands, we encourage you to use weightlifting chalk on your hands.
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