How to Choose Swimming Training Equipment

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Training equipment in swimming consists of three fundamental components: a swimsuit, a swim cap and a pair of goggles. These three items can be purchased at many sports retailers, however it is easier and more cost-effective to purchase them online. You can go to to shop for swim training equipment or you can even order off of Amazon. Both are good places to start.

Step 2

Of course, the best brands to buy from are no doubt Speedo, TYR and Arena. Always buy from them, and you should be safe. It may be a bit costly, but their equipment is the best quality and lasts the longest.

Step 3

If you want to do serious training in the pool, the swimsuit you wear will have to be skintight. boardshorts or anything you'd typically wear to the beach won't do. You can either wear a speedo which covers just the waist and groin, or you can wear a pair of jammers which cover the thighs as well.

Step 4

Swimsuits come in sizes, so it is important that you chose a size which provides you with a snug fit. If the suit is too big, it ends up looking like a diaper whereas a suit that is too small is often referred to as a "ball strangler" for obvious reasons. To give you an idea, a man with a 70cm waste line will probably want to wear a size 30 swimsuit.

Step 5

Perhaps the most common area for beginner swimmers to experience difficulty is with goggles. If you do not buy a pair that fit you perfectly, you will have an infuriatingly difficult time draining pool water from your burning eyes and you may suffer a few unfortunate collisions from not being able to see properly.

Step 6

There are so many different kinds of goggles that it may take you a while to find a pair you can work with but when you do, stick with them.

Step 7

Finally, you need a swim cap. Now, you do not really have to wear a swim cap and lots of swimmers do not. However, constant exposure to heavily chlorinated water does your hair no favors. You can choose from either latex or silicone swim caps. Latex is generally much cheaper but it is also thin and breaks easily. It is also uncomfortable to take on and off as it tends to rip at you hair. Silicone caps are much softer and more flexible and easier to slide onto your head.

Step 8

Listed below are some good ideas for equipment to be used by a swimmer of any level of experience.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

- Remember to get the right sized swimsuit. It should fit snugly and not be lose anywhere on the body. At the same time, it should not be too tight and uncomfortable to wear. If your confused about sizes look up the size charts for male swimsuits on the internet. A man with a 70cm wasteline will need roughly a size 30 swimsuit. - When it comes to buying goggles, start simple and don't buy anything to fancy the first time round. You can also adjust the straps of all goggles so that they are not too tight but stay on your head.

Stuff You'll Need

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Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I once swam with a kid back in grade school who decided he was going to go for the school record for the fifty yard freestyle at our next meet. He psyched himself out so much before the race that he completely forgot to tie the strings around his suit. As soon as he dove in the pool, the swimsuit slipped right down to his knees. Amazingly, he was able to pull the suit up before he started swimming and he still managed to get the record. The best equipment in the world won't help you unless you know how to use it!

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

...since grade school.

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