Cable Tuck Reverse Crunch
Differentiation: Mechanics
This variation of a reverse crunch is unique. Here is how: you move your arms and legs simultaneously. This movement works your entire core. You also use a cable machine for this exercise. The cable machine maximizes the amount of continual resistance applied to both your upper abs | and lower abs throughout each rep. Maximizing resistance increases the overall endurance and definition of your entire core.
Location: in gym
Force: Pull
Body Position: Situp-position
Grip: Palm Together
Starting Position
To get into starting position, do this...
1) Obtain an ankle cuff.
2) Locate two cable machines that are about 10 feet apart.
3) Position a padded exercise mat on the floor centered between the cable towers.
4) Set the pulleys of two cable towers at their lowest settings.
5) Obtain a rope attachment.
6) Clip a rope attachment onto one pulley hook.
7) Obtain an ankle cuff attachment.
8) Clip the ankle cuff attachment onto the other pulley hook.
9) Wrap the ankle cuff around both of your ankles. You can also wrap the strap around your feet.
10) Lie on the mat on your back centered between and perpendicular to the two cable machines with your legs fully outstretched.
11) Grasp the rope attachment with both hands...
12) ...and pull the rope attachment to the top of your head.
Main Mechanics
Once in starting position, do this...
1) This is the starting position.
2) Crunch your knees and head together, lifting your hips and shoulders as far off the floor as possible.
3) When your elbows touch your knees, hold this position for a count of one second.
4) This is the ending position.
5) Then, gradually relax your head and neck and allow the cable to retract your legs outward to the outstretched position.
6) Repeat reps for a full set.
Proper Form
Pay special attention to following proper form by...
Be sure to contract your abs during every rep and you should feel the contraction in your core.
Keep your legs in elevated off the floor when lowering your feet to the starting position.
Keep your neck straight when crunching.
Gear Advice
To perform this exercise, you will need an ankle cuff and it is best to use an exercise mat. Few gyms offer ankle cuffs, so we have listed links below to a Harbinger brand Neoprene Padded Ankle Cuff and a Valeo brand Exercise Mat - which you can order from Amazon dot com.
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