Bodyweight Walking Lunge

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a lunge is unique. Here is how: you use body weight, | instead of a barbell on your shoulders. Using body weight helps increase the overall endurance of your legs. This exercise is good for beginners who want to learn proper squat technique and seeking to developing quadricep strength | because there is no risk of dropping any weight. You work one leg for a full set, | then switch to your other leg.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate an area of the gym with ample floor space to perform the exercise.
2) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
3) ...and your hands on your hips.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Inhale while you step forward approximately 18 inches with one foot,
3) ...and gradually bend your knee to lower your upper body toward the floor
4) ...until the upper and lower portions of your supporting leg form a 90-degree angle.
5) ...and your rear knee almost touches the floor
6) When your leg is nearly touching the floor, exhale while pushing upward
7) Place most of your body weight on the heel of your supporting leg.
8) ...until you reach the starting position.
9) Then repeat the movement using the opposite leg.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Be sure not to allow your arms to swing during the movement. When your arms swing, they improperly assist with the movement due to momentum.
Keep your head and upper body vertical and focus on keeping your balance.
Avoid allowing the knee of your supporting leg to flare outward.
Be sure the quad of your forward leg becomes parallel to the floor to properly concentrate the effort in your quads.
Keep your other leg's knee slightly off the floor.

Gear Advice

We recommend you wear a weight training belt - to add compression and support to your back. A link is listed below to the Harbinger brand Weightlifting Belt - which you can order from Amazon dot com.

Gear You'll Need

Brand Product Price
Weightlifting Belt $17.61


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