Abraham Chevlen's Involvement in Athletics
Interview Questions
When did you first get started in Athletics?
I did soccer until my junior year of high school, however by the end of my junior year I really didn't enjoy playing anymore. I was in poor shape, had a little bit of a belly and small arms and legs. Towards the end of my senior year I wanted to make a change for the positive, so I began weight training. Fell in love with it and have been going strong and becoming stronger ever since.
Something surprising about Athletics that people would not know.
Squatting beyond parallel isn't bad for your knees, if done properly. It is just an old wives tale.
What is Athletics like?
A passion. Any negative feeling, anger, or frustration that you have can be turned into a positive energy that can improve your physical and even emotional well being.
Tell your Fans a funny or interesting story about Athletics
When I was just beginning weight lifting, I was doing lateral raises to workout my deltoids, however not knowing that you should bend your body very slightly to avoid accidents in "sensitive areas". I ended up bashing two dumbbells in well my...well you get the idea.