Dips - Chest Version Using Dip Bench

a.k.a. Chest Dips

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a Dip is unique. Here is how: you must keep your body stable. Remaining stable helps develop a more defined lower chest | and build greater overall strength. This exercise may seem similar to the Triceps Version of this exercise, but it differs slightly. When performing this exercise - the Chest Version - | you lean slightly forward. This angled position strengthens your pectoral muscles. The other version of this dip works your triceps.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate a dip bench.
2) Grasp the handles of the dip station.
3) Elevate your body using the bars of a dip station and hold yourself up - using a neutral grip - this way the palms of your hands will be facing your sides.
4) Straighten your arms and lock out your elbows.
5) Bend your knees should be slightly.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Inhale as you gradually lower your body
3) ...until you feel your chest muscles stretch...
4) ...keeping your torso leaning forward and your elbows flared outward.
5) This is the ending position.
6) Once you feel your chest muscles stretch, exhale as you push your body upward
7) ...until your arms are again straight and your elbows locked.
8) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Be sure to lean forward to target your chest more.
When lowering your body, flare your elbows outward. This will cause the exercise to engage and work your pecs much more than your triceps.

Gear Advice

To perform this exercise, you will need a dip belt - onto which you will add weight plates. Few gyms offer these, so we have listed a link below to the Grizzly brand Polypro Dip Belt - which you can order from Amazon dot com. You take this with you to the gym.

Gear You'll Need


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