How to Do Shock Weight Training

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Shock weight training. Don't worry, it's not what it sounds like- you aren't gonna feel volts of electricity coursing through your body; however, you might feel a massive pump. Shock weight training is designed for those lifters who have hit a strength plateau. Essentially, the idea is for you to shock your muscles in a way that will make them feel like they're forced to grow stronger. There are a ton of methods for shock training, but I'll go ahead and list a few key ones that I and many other lifters consistently use when we're in a plateau pinch.

Step 2

One way of shocking your muscles is through drop sets. Drop sets, otherwise known as burnouts (I have another tip on this site to properly explain them) will put your muscles through both power and volume training in a single, prolonged set. You start with a weight that you can get 6-8 reps out of, then immediately after those reps you lower the weight slightly, whereupon you continue doing reps. Then you wash, rinse, and repeat this process -no breaks during- until the weight is too low to lower anymore. This kind of training gives your muscles a run for their money, and shocks them into some serious growth.

Step 3

Another shock method is the forced rep, which I also have a tip explaining. A set with forced reps will force your body to push past the point of its physical limit, which reminds your muscles that there is always heavier weight that can be lifted, and therefor requires them to grow bigger and stronger. Forced reps entail performing a set until absolute failure, and then having a spotter help you force a couple of extra reps out afterwards (anywhere from 4-8 extra reps is more than sufficient).

Step 4

Thirdly, you can do giant sets (guess what, another tip written by me somewhere on this website). Giant sets are circuit-based, and they basically force you to do 4 or more exercises in a row, with no break, for a single muscle group. While giant sets are inherently difficult, they are a ton of fun. And besides fun, giant sets WORK. They make your muscles take on a ton of resistance without rest, which spurs a ton of growth (when you do finally decide to rest, that is). Giant sets are a great way to get in and out of the gym in no time flat, and they'll make you feel like you've been in there for hours. That's right, you can have your cake and eat it too. You're welcome.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

Shock weight training is straight up hard to do. That's the nature of it. That's the whole base upon which it is built. You need to work hard and in a way that your muscles aren't used to. Personally, in order to prepare for any of the methods I outlined above, I take preworkout. Below I've listed to kind of preworkout I take, which helps me pass the point of mental limitation and rev right out into a muscle-building sunset. It's difficult to achieve, but it's glorious. You'll see.

Stuff You'll Need

Suggested Further Reading

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This Student Author's Background

Funny or interesting story about this topic...

I knew an older guy at my first gym who would come in every day of the week and do the same old workouts and get the same old results. He never got any stronger, and he definitely wasn't getting any bigger. "How about you try some shock training," I offered as advice one fine day. "What the hell is that," he said back, his eyes looking at me like they were afraid. I outlined some of the same methods that I gave you guys above, and told him they'd be worth it. I figured he'd never even give them a shot, but boy was I wrong. He started mixing up his workouts with all kinds of shock methods, and he got strong as hell. It didn't matter that he was old, he was benefiting. He never did thank me for the advice, but that's alright. For me, knowing that an old dog really Can learn new tricks was enough of a thanks.

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I hit my first plateau in my first year of lifting, naturally. I wasn't having it though; I was hungry for blood (and by blood I mean increasing my muscle mass). I looked up all the old-school tricks that I could, and I started applying them to my workouts. I never got stuck in another plateau again, and I never looked back. These methods are guaranteed to bring you out of your comfort zone, and far out of your plateaus. Besides that, they're a hell of a lot of fun to try. They mix things up, which is sometimes necessary for a day-in, day-out workout program. Go ahead and give them a shot.
Happy lifting,

Other Tips from Jeremy
