How To Use Acting Websites

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

Oh yeah, there are a lot of things you could learn from networking that you cannot find on a website. There are always unwritten books that people go by. Just by talking with other people, you can find those.

Step 2

As far as looking in a website, and if you look up referrals, and how people rate somebody, well those ratings could have been done by the person that you are looking up.

Step 3

But if someone tells you with their own knowledge, right in front of you, that "This person is great. He shot my photos. I love my headshots. Look at my headshot. Boom. That's my money-maker. I get in the door because of that headshot."

Step 4

Well, reading someone say that with their body language, and their voice, does a lot more than someone typing it out. That is a perfect way for networking.

Step 5

Finding jobs, finding a great place to live. You really need to have that confidence in you. When you go to an audition, you meet somebody, and you want to ask them that question, you got to have guts because if you don't do it, you are going to walk away and the rest of the day, you are going to say, "I wish I would have done that. Why didn't I..." You are going to beat yourself up over it. And, you know what? You could have went in there and they could have totally rejected you, but you could have walked away and never thought twice about it again.

Special Attention

Difficulties people often experience or parts that need special attention to do it right.

Stuff You'll Need

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Suggested Further Reading

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L.A. from A to Z No Price

This Student Author

This Student Author's Background

When did you first do this & how did you get started?

I have been an actor in Los Angeles.


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