How To Learn Basketball Skills and Drills

Step-by-step Instructions

Here is what you need to do...
Step 1

There are a few different ways to learn basketball skills and drills, I want to discuss two specific ways now.

Step 2

First, you can learn effective drills by traveling to practices of successful basketball teams. Regardless of the level of basketball, there will always be coaches that are more experienced than you are. For instance if you are a high school coach that is new to coaching, you can ask other coaches in the city to sit in on their practices so that you can observe how they operate.

Step 3

Not only can coaches travel to practices within the same level of competition, but its often advantageous to attend practices at a higher level than you coach. For instance, good high school coaches can go and sit in on a local college practice to learn various practice techniques.

Step 4

A second way to learn basketball drills and skills is read about them. There are two books that come highly recommended by coaches of all levels.

Step 5

The basketball skills and drills book by Jerry Krause has the endorsement of high level coaches and teachers within the college and prep game. It will teach you the basics and fundamentals of basketball in order to provide you with a firm foundation. Jerry Krause draws on his wealth of experience to help people from all backgrounds improve their skills.

Step 6

The other book was written by Burrall Paye who is a long time coach and has won numerous championships. His book is full of useful basketball drills that will improve your team's practices and allow you players to reach their full potential.

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When did you first do this & how did you get started?

Learning the particulars of basketball skills and drills can be intimidating if you are new to coaching or playing.

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