Abbreviation for latissimus dorsi, the large muscles of the back that move the arms downward, backward and in internal rotation.
- Lats information at Bannedinhollywood.com (news story)
- Lats information at Begin2dig.blogspot.com
- Lats information at Discussfitness.com (user forum page)
- Lats information at Eje-Online.org (article)
- Lats information at Exrx.net (article)
- Lats information at Loyolacorners.com (Los Altos Training Studio)
- Lats information at Nationmaster.com (news story)
- Lats information at Nature.com
- Lats information at Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- Lats information at Papers.ssrn.com
- Lats information at Rffitness.com (fitness equipment)
- Lats information at Yourdictionary.com