Marketing Approach

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

We often run into guys who want to move to LA to become an actor. Yet, the only way to succeed in LA in film/TV is if you operate your acting career like a business enterprise. This is tough for many to do because one must change their thinking, step away from their ego and think about what is marketable.

Entrepreneur in Business

To put it in an example you can better understand, let's say an entrepreneur wants to open a deli on Main Street. He would discuss his new business by saying:
"WE are approaching things this way."
"WE are offering these products."
"WE open on this date."

But when talking about his career, an actor or model says:

"I am doing this"
"I want this."
"MY headshots will be taken Tuesday"

New actors use words that describe himself.

If an Entrepreneur Wanted to Be an Actor

Now let's say the business entrepreneur decides to try to be an actor. Because the entrepreneur thinks the way he does, he looks at the acting market - the business environment, chooses a good location, learns what is needed to succeed and formulates his plan accordingly... to run his acting career like a business.

Think Like a Casting Director if You Want Acting Roles

It is easy to think only about what you want - and ignore what is marketable and what buyers of talent want. However, acting and modeling are real businesses, with real amounts of money involved. So, it doesn't matter if you want to do one type of modeling if nobody is hiring those types of models. It doesn't matter is you want to be a stuntman if all the stunt roles are being done through CGI. It doesn't matter if you want to be the next Johnny Depp if the only roles you can get are the fraternity guy doing keg stands and streaking in a teen comedy.

So, when thinking of acting, forget about yourself and make all your decisions based on what makes professionals hire actors. Your acting talent is a commodity, not "you." Make your marketing-based decisions driven by what talent buyers want, not what you want.

If you are able to match this way of thinking, you have a chance of succeeding. If you make decisions based on your ego, your career will be short.

When submitting photos to a casting director, be sure to tell the decision-maker anything and everything that makes you special.unique from other guys.

One way to market yourself is by creating a free Promotional Page on to Gain Exposure

Talk to Other Guys Your Age

Listen to advice from other guys who have already successfully involved in male modeling. These guys are experienced and unbiased. An experienced guy has already walked in your shoes and who has previously modeled in the way you are considering. You can meet other guys who you meet at at modeling auditions, where you have a chance to learn from them. Who are their favorite photographers? How did they become successful? You should always seek to become friends with other male models for this purpose.

Video Bios Are Career Marketing Tools

Thinking Like a Casting Director

Comp Cards and Zed cards

Video Bios Beat Your Competition

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