Building Self Confidence For Photo Shoots

To help create the best possible photograph, a model should feel confident, be expressive and above all, feel comfortable.

Having a positive attitude when posing for photos is very important but can be difficult for some models to obtain. You must have self-esteem and confidence and know that he is "worthy enough."

Many men worry that their muscles are not large enough, or models posing in underwear may worry that their penis will not "show" well enough inside of underwear. A lack of positive self-esteem is a factor that holds male models back from reaching their fullest potential. Fear is bad if it shows. Being shy is OK. You can read about being undressed for the first time in front of the camera.

Every Model Does Not Need to Be a Bodybuilder

Do not look to bodybuilder magazines for ideas of how your body should look for photographs. Only a few past Campus Men had huge muscles. Our photographer is skilled at emphasizing each male model's assets to making him look his best — and make his muscles look larger on film.

Confidence Building Tricks

Here are some sure-fire ways to build up confidence or get comfortable at revealing the body:

  • Take one day and count how many people seem to notice you. For every two girls you see "checking you out," there are most likely five you did not notice. Doesn't this mean these people think you are sexy?

  • Make a list: Write down the aspects of your body you like and the aspects you do not like. If you have too many things on your "don't like" list, you are probably too critical of yourself. Ask a close and supportive friend to review your list. How does your friend's opinions differ from your opinions?

  • Get comfortable exposing your body. Go shirtless outdoors. Take off your shirt in a dance club. Tan on your lawn wearing something skimpy.

  • Have you ever seen yourself naked on film? Many people feel vulnerable when they are naked. Try having your girlfriend or a close friend shoot snapshots of you naked without your face visible in the photos. Have fun with this. Pose for these snapshots naturally and relax. How do you feel when you see the developed photos? It can be a learning experience that can make you more comfortable for posing for any type of photos. You can see a list of poses that may help you.

Saying What The Heck

Remember you were chosen from among many college guys. A model photographer would not work with a college guy if he did not have confidence the model would a look great on film. Realize you are in front of the camera because you have what it takes to be there.

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