Bigger Muscles in Photos with Baby Oil Highlights
By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.
To make male models seem as muscular as possible, photographers sometimes add baby oil to crevices of abdominal and pectoral muscles to make these muscles seem as defined as possible for the camera.
Better definition for muscles and six pack abs are a must for guys on a photo shoot. But, abdominal muscles appear larger for the camera, our photography crew applies a little dark make-up to the crevices of male models' abdominal muscles. Then a light covering of non-absorbent baby oil is applied atop the makeup.
Baby oil should not be applied all over the body - only lightly in the crevices of the muscles to catch the light. This includes the indentation of the abs, triceps, under curves of the pecs, etc.
Oil in Muscle Crevices Reflect Light
Applying a small amount of non-absorbent baby oil with a cotton swap to crevices can highlight your muscles for the camera. The shine from the oil catches the light and adds definition to your muscles. This makes your muscles appear more defined.
Oil accents muscles you already have. Sunlight or light from a photography flash catches and shines on the baby oil, producing a reflection. Because the baby oil is not present all over your body, the reflection only shows on the crevices and outer lines of your muscles and abs, fooling the camera into seeing more pronounced muscles.
Don't Apply Too Much
It is possible to apply too much baby oil. Do not completely cover your body with baby oil. Lightly wipe on baby oil in the crevices of your muscles, such as in between and under your pectorals and in the crevices of your abdominals and triceps.
Use Non Absorbent (Cheap) Baby Oil
Do not use "super absorbant" type baby oil because it soaks into the skin. Cheaper versions of baby oil or mineral oil does not oak in. It rests on the skin until wiped off.
You can read more of our advice on how to prepare for a photo shoot or review our preparation checklist.
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