Faces Not Necessary For Artistic Nude Photos

By Shawn Petrovich of Totally Ripped of Los Angeles, which specializes in photography and video of fitness models.

So, you have built up a great body and girls always say you look good naked. So you wonder what it might be like to show your body off in photos or to try out for Playgirl. Your body looks good in person... so it should look good in photos, right?

Having never posed naked before, you don't know what to expect and want to make sure you don't make a big mistake. You want a work of art, that you want to show others, not a cheesy embarrassing photo. You don't want to look stupid in photos.

There is an easy solution for you. Do not show your face in photos for your first nude photo shoot.

Its not about your face for your first photo shoot. Its about showing a beautiful body. Photographer Dylan Ricci concentrates on bodies and muscles when creating photos of guys wearing no clothing because he does not show his models faces in photographs. The viewer concentrates on body parts: abs, butt, legs, chest.

Protecting Anonymity

Trouble is, most photographers want to show faces of models. Some photographers find it important to emphasize a model's face. They might even not know how to shoot photos that do not show the identity of the model. You do not want this standard applied for your first nude photo shoot. There are always options for you to try photos in which your face is visible for future photo shoots. But for this shoot: No face should be seen.

This is where you need to be firm... Photographers are good at explaining how powerful and influential they are and how you should kiss their ass. They will also explain how you are new and do not know what you are doing. This may be a fact, but you need to be in control, not the photographer. If the photographer wants to photograph you nude, he or she needs to follow your rules for this first shoot.

Tell the photographer that you have never done this before and are just "trying things out to see what your body looks like on film." If you like what you see, you can show your face in future photo shoots. Get your photographer to agree in writing to only show your body and not your face in pics.

If a photographer is unwilling to follow this simple guideline for your first shoot, move on. There are tons of photographers out there who will fulfill your needs.

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