Motivated People Succeed

Past Campus Men did not receive opportunities or success without effort. A common trait is that these guys worked hard to accomplish their goals. They promoted themselves.

When a guy tries out for an opportunity and mentions that he was a Campus Man, he usually gets more attention than other guys.

Doing the work to build a fanbase is good training for your career, because you will always need to network with professionals and "promote" yourself so that you are seen by others. You do the promoting of yourself!

Don't make the mistake of waiting for some magic professional to come along and make you into a star.

Thinking you need to find a magical person who can step in and allow you to skip all the hard work involved in starting a career - is a "fairy tale." While you are waiting for your magic person to make you into a success, your competition will be progressing past you - by doing their own work. Waiting for someone else to do your work for you is not smart and will destine you to never become successful.

By adopting a pro image as a Campus Man, you take control of your new career and do not need to wait for others to come along. Now get to work. Success is waiting...


Shane discusses how he learned that he needed to promote himself - instead of relaying on other people.


Nick tells how promoting is not fun work - but necessary for success.


Nik tells how he got asked to appear in professional fitness videos after making a video on his own in his dorm.