Anti-Gravity Press

Differentiation: Mechanics

This variation of a Shoulder Press is unique. Here is how: you resist gravity when pressing an EZ bar outward while keeping it at eye level. This movement creates an isometric and a concentric contraction in your shoulders. You also use an EZ bar for this exercise. The bar places your hands at an angle | that further incorporates and develops your front deltoids. This exercise increases the strength and endurance of your front deltoids, | middle deltoids | and rear deltoids.

Starting Position

To get into starting position, do this...

1) Locate a movable incline bench.
2) Set the adjustable bench to a 45-degree angle.
3) Obtain an EZ curl type fixed-weight barbell. Alternatively, you can load plates onto an EZ curl bar and add barbell collars to keep the plates from moving.
4) Lie chest-down on the incline with your head and shoulders extended beyond the top edge of the bench.
5) Straddle the seat with your legs.
6) ...with the balls of your feet on the floor.
7) Grasp the bar - with your hands wide apart - with your palms facing downward.
8) ...and lift it toward your chest. Hold the bar near your chest.

Main Mechanics

Once in starting position, do this...

1) This is the starting position.
2) Exhale while you press the bar outward
3) ...until the bar is parallel to the floor.
4) Hold this position for a count of two seconds.
5) Then, inhale while you bring the bar back to your chest.
6) Repeat reps for a full set.

Proper Form

Pay special attention to following proper form by...

Keep the bench around a 45-degree angle to properly target the back.
Be sure to use your shoulder muscles, not your biceps and triceps, to perform this exercise.

Gear Advice

When performing this exercise, it is important to add barbell collars to the bar - we have listed a link below to Lockjaw brand Olympic Barbell Collars - which you can order from Amazon dot com. We recommend you wear a weight training belt - to add compression and support to your back. A link is also available below to the Harbinger brand Weightlifting Belt.

Gear You'll Need

In Gym Gear Needed

Gear Type Gear
Weights EZ-Curl Bar


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