Tutoring Services

If college – or just one class—is harder than you expected, definitely take advantage of tutoring services.  Many, many students need a little help once in a while and isn't it better to sit down with a tutor than to flunk the class, wreck your GPA, and waste the tuition money you paid?

Your advisor or the student life office can refer you to campus tutoring opportunities.  Some classes come with built-in tutoring sessions, via the writing lab or the math lab.  These will be free, or more accurately, you've already paid for them as part of your tuition.  Might as well get your money's worth.

You might be surprised to find that most tutors are other students.  Instructors generally teach several classes and do research, too.  If you need more than a little help, you'll probably end up with a student tutor whom you may have to pay for his or her services.

On the flip side of the coin, if you're great at a certain subject, tutoring is a good way to make money.  There are some skills you'll need to be a good tutor, though.  Not everyone who knows something can teach it to someone else.  If you think you might want to tutor, look at Tutoring Matters on Amazon.

