Study Abroad Programs

If you have the opportunity to study abroad, definitely take it.  Most students who have done so say it's the most memorable part of their college career.

Where you choose to go will depend on what your college offers, but be sure to check to see if there are partnerships with other universities that might let you visit a country where your own college doesn�t have a program.  Also your major: you'll want to choose a study abroad program that enhances your experience in your major field, and therefore contributes to your resume.  Finally, there's the language issue.  You don't necessarily have to be fluent when you start thinking about a program.  But work on learning the basics right away, and know that your language skills will improve as you're immersed in the language while you are there.

Once you've chosen a country and a program, there's a lot to plan even before you get on a plane.  For good guidance on planning your entire study abroad experience, see Study Abroad: How to Get the Most out of Your Experience. It's highly recommended on Amazon.

