College Events

Online schools might have a lot to offer for students in certain situations, but let's face it – an important part of the college experience is campus life.  Whether you go to a small college or a huge university, whether you live in a dorm, or off-campus, or with your parents, there will be many campus events to choose from.  They won't all appeal to you, but for those that do, taking part will enhance your college life.

College events range from campus-wide, college-sponsored events like homecoming to competitions staged by Greeks to social awareness events planned by special interest clubs.  While you might be moved to march against animal testing or sign up for the blood drive, a lot of college events will be more fun than that.  

Go to a few college events and while you're having a good time, look around and see how they're organized.  Is there food?  Beer?  Music?  Freebies like t-shirts? Informational brochures? Somebody had to plan all that.  A lot of college events are planned mostly or even entirely by students.  It's good experience and looks great on your resume.  And when you get asked in a job interview, "Tell me about a time you led a team?" or something like that, you'll have an answer.

If you need tunes for your event, take a look at this speaker system you can hook up to your own Apple or Android music. It has a microphone, you you can use it as a loudspeaker, too. 

