Nutrition During Long Road Trips

By Vicky Phipps, a graduate of The Ohio State University.

One of my most vivid memories from past round-the-clock road trips to Florida has been visiting the many pit stops along the highway. The numerous gas stations I visited for fuel offered little nutritional food.

Pit Stop

The bumpy ride down the exit ramp and across the local roads is the first thing I notice. It's a sharp contrast to the monotonous humming of the super highway. The store's blaring bright fluorescent lights usually contrast the pitch black country sky and make it seem like a surreal experience. I notice miniature salamanders hugging the store's walls and two-inch long dragonflies buzzing around lights.

Climbing out of a packed van is reminiscent to exiting a Halloween haunted house. As I clumsily climb out of the van, my body aches from sitting in the same position for hours. I step onto the pavement with one goal in mind: getting to a restroom as soon as possible. Ah, but half dozen other travelers have already beat me to it and an impatient line has formed. So, I try to look nonchalant and see what this marvelous McNary County, Georgia mini-mart — only 15 minutes away from Grandma Gertrude's house of native American crafts has to offer. These stores are always proud to remind you that they are "family-owned."

Whole Lotta Beef Jerky

I cannot forget one thing: It is astonishing to me how there can be enough brands, sizes, and qualities of beef jerky to fill an entire store isle. I look down an isle dedicated to that trucker's favorite and seeing nothing but beef jerky as far as the eye could see.

I try to eat healthy foods wherever I go. But, it's almost impossible to find anything but junk food in these stores. Some of the offerings are the "George Burns" of food when it comes to age! Looking around the store, I see honey buns, Dolly Madison pies, every off-brand of cola (you may call it pop or soda depending upon what part of the country you are originally from). Greasy hot dogs roll up and down a slimy warmer. For a mere 30 cents more, I can get a jumbo dog.

I like to buy snacks on the road. So, these pit stops end up being a chance to treat myself to the Doritos and Dr. Pepper that have been off limits all year because of my low-fat diet. This stuff may not be good for me, but at least when I get back into my seat, I will have a smile on my face.

Soon enough, it's time to roll back onto the highway. The van's gas tank has been filled and my hands are full with junk I'd never be seen with back home. With an empty bladder, I drop back into my seat as the van jolts back onto the highway. Fifteen minutes later, I am back to counting sheep.

It seems like only a few minutes later that I wake up to find the van slowing on an exit ramp again. How small is that gas tank anyway? Only, this time, that Orange Crush has lost its appeal and I remain in my seat knowing its O.K. to have that disoriented look on my face.

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